The lining of the outer lungs can be affected by a cancerous condition called Pleural Mesothelioma. Studies have shown that the primary cause for developing this condition is caused by exposure to asbestos. There is a possibility that learning this disease is developing in the beginning can help with extending life expectancy. However, as of today, the prognosis remains poor for people suffering from this cancer.
There is protective tissue found in the human body that covers most of the internal organs. This tissue is called mesothelium. The cancer that develops attacks this tissue and breaks it down. The cancer typically attacks the mesothelium around the lungs and inside the chest wall.
There is protective tissue found in the human body that covers most of the internal organs. This tissue is called mesothelium. The cancer that develops attacks this tissue and breaks it down. The cancer typically attacks the mesothelium around the lungs and inside the chest wall.
Symptoms of this disease may not appear for 20 to 50 years years after exposure to asbestos. A person can have a limited amount of exposure or they could have worked in a setting where asbestos was utilized on a daily basis. People first notice shortness of breath when the area of the chest cavity begins to fill with fluid and impedes the ability of the chest to expand enough to fill the lungs with air.
Trouble breathing and other common symptoms such as fatigue, anemia, and hoarseness are common with other ailments and tend to mask the symptoms caused by the cancer. There are many illnesses much less volatile than pleural mesothelioma and can lead one to believe that nothing serious is occurring in their body. So, as new symptoms appear, they can be easily dismissed.
Scientists have been developing ways to detect this condition earlier in the process so treatment can begin early. However, even when it is detected early, there is still little chance that one will eventually be cured. There has been some promising results with chemotherapy over radical surgery that may prove effective over time.
Life expectancy is normally very limited after diagnosis. Although, there have been exceptions where people have lived for five years or more. Fortunately, while exposure to asbestos is the root cause f
Trouble breathing and other common symptoms such as fatigue, anemia, and hoarseness are common with other ailments and tend to mask the symptoms caused by the cancer. There are many illnesses much less volatile than pleural mesothelioma and can lead one to believe that nothing serious is occurring in their body. So, as new symptoms appear, they can be easily dismissed.
Scientists have been developing ways to detect this condition earlier in the process so treatment can begin early. However, even when it is detected early, there is still little chance that one will eventually be cured. There has been some promising results with chemotherapy over radical surgery that may prove effective over time.
Life expectancy is normally very limited after diagnosis. Although, there have been exceptions where people have lived for five years or more. Fortunately, while exposure to asbestos is the root cause f
Trouble breathing and other common symptoms such as fatigue, anemia, and hoarseness are common with other ailments and tend to mask the symptoms caused by the cancer. There are many illnesses much less volatile than pleural mesothelioma and can lead one to believe that nothing serious is occurring in their body. So, as new symptoms appear, they can be easily dismissed.
Scientists have been developing ways to detect this condition earlier in the process so treatment can begin early. However, even when it is detected early, there is still little chance that one will eventually be cured. There has been some promising results with chemotherapy over radical surgery that may prove effective over time.
Life expectancy is normally very limited after diagnosis. Although, there have been exceptions where people have lived for five years or more. Fortunately, while exposure to asbestos is the root cause for the development of pleural mesothelioma, studies show that very few people who have been exposed to asbestos will develop this form of cancer.
About the Author:
Scientists have been developing ways to detect this condition earlier in the process so treatment can begin early. However, even when it is detected early, there is still little chance that one will eventually be cured. There has been some promising results with chemotherapy over radical surgery that may prove effective over time.
Life expectancy is normally very limited after diagnosis. Although, there have been exceptions where people have lived for five years or more. Fortunately, while exposure to asbestos is the root cause for the development of pleural mesothelioma, studies show that very few people who have been exposed to asbestos will develop this form of cancer.
About the Author:
Have a look at our website to learn more about Pleural Mesothelioma, now. You can also get a summary of the causes and symptoms of asbestos cancer at today.