Skin cancer is one of the most malignant cancers. Thousands of people are affected by this disease all over the world. It is a malignant neoplasm of the skin and if it is left unattended it could prove to be fatal. It is noticed that the people who spend a great time under the sun are at great risk of skin cancer. Generally two types of skin cancer are categorized by the doctors, melanoma and non-melanoma. Melanoma is very rare and it is also very difficult to sure. However, the second type of cancer is curable if attended at right time.
What are the main causes of Skin Cancer? .Exposure to sun The number one cause of skin cancer is the over exposure to the Ultra Violet rays of the sun or any other sources. The time of exposure, the intensity of the UV rays and whether or not the skin was protected (with clothes or anti sun creams) all decides the chance of getting skin cancer in the long run. .White skin White skinned people are more prone to cancer of the skin than the darker skinned ones, and the difference comes due to the level of naturally occurring sun protecting pigment in the skin; melanin. Melanin pigment which is high in dark skin protects it from the harmful rays of the sun thus saving it from cancer. But dark skinned men too, do have a chance of the disease though comparatively less. .Exposure to carcinogen Certain chemicals like arsenic, tar, nicotine and oil are found to elevate the change of getting skin cancer. Though these come under skin carcinogen, only long term exposure is found to trigger the disease in many cases.
Protect Yourself If you fall into the category of any characteristics listed above or are older than 50, then it's critical to protect yourself from getting squamous cell skin cancer. This means avoiding exposure to chemicals, protecting your skin from the sun with sunscreen or clothing, and periodically going in for a checkup.
.Surgery Non melanomas cancer or tumour can be completely removed by different surgical approaches being followed today. Cryosurgery, simple excision, dermabrasion, laser surgery are among the surgical techniques that effectively removes the cancerous skin tissue. .Chemotherapy Inter venal or oral chemotherapeutic treatment targeted specifically on the cancerous cells can treat the cancer by either killing the cells or arresting their cell division capability. Cancer of the skin is also sometimes treated by applying the chemotherapeutic medicine on the affected skin in the form or creams or ointments.
Testing And Treatment Generally speaking, a medical professional is capable
Protect Yourself If you fall into the category of any characteristics listed above or are older than 50, then it's critical to protect yourself from getting squamous cell skin cancer. This means avoiding exposure to chemicals, protecting your skin from the sun with sunscreen or clothing, and periodically going in for a checkup.
.Surgery Non melanomas cancer or tumour can be completely removed by different surgical approaches being followed today. Cryosurgery, simple excision, dermabrasion, laser surgery are among the surgical techniques that effectively removes the cancerous skin tissue. .Chemotherapy Inter venal or oral chemotherapeutic treatment targeted specifically on the cancerous cells can treat the cancer by either killing the cells or arresting their cell division capability. Cancer of the skin is also sometimes treated by applying the chemotherapeutic medicine on the affected skin in the form or creams or ointments.
Testing And Treatment Generally speaking, a medical professional is capable
.Surgery Non melanomas cancer or tumour can be completely removed by different surgical approaches being followed today. Cryosurgery, simple excision, dermabrasion, laser surgery are among the surgical techniques that effectively removes the cancerous skin tissue. .Chemotherapy Inter venal or oral chemotherapeutic treatment targeted specifically on the cancerous cells can treat the cancer by either killing the cells or arresting their cell division capability. Cancer of the skin is also sometimes treated by applying the chemotherapeutic medicine on the affected skin in the form or creams or ointments.
Testing And Treatment Generally speaking, a medical professional is capable of determining whether or not a skin bump, mole, or sore is squamous cell skin cancer just by looking at it. Next, a skin sample is taken and then delivered to a lab for further testing. At the lab, it will be confirmed whether or not the sample is indeed cancerous.
What are the effects of Skin cancer treatment? Different approaches towards the treatment of skin cancer have proven to be very effective in removing the tumour and controlling the cancerous growth. But as in every other cancer treatment, these treatment too comes with a few side effects. Surgical removal of the cancerous tissue in the skin can result in a lifelong scar on the body. and sometimes even an expert surgeon cannot assure a cent percent zero scar removal of the cancer.
Chemotherapeutic treatment using creams and ointments can cause inflammation in the area of application. The inflammations caused in some people are so severe that they might have to discontinue the medication and switch to other treatment scheme. Chemotherapy can also cause nausea, vomiting and hair loss in the patients undergoing the treatment.
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Testing And Treatment Generally speaking, a medical professional is capable of determining whether or not a skin bump, mole, or sore is squamous cell skin cancer just by looking at it. Next, a skin sample is taken and then delivered to a lab for further testing. At the lab, it will be confirmed whether or not the sample is indeed cancerous.
What are the effects of Skin cancer treatment? Different approaches towards the treatment of skin cancer have proven to be very effective in removing the tumour and controlling the cancerous growth. But as in every other cancer treatment, these treatment too comes with a few side effects. Surgical removal of the cancerous tissue in the skin can result in a lifelong scar on the body. and sometimes even an expert surgeon cannot assure a cent percent zero scar removal of the cancer.
Chemotherapeutic treatment using creams and ointments can cause inflammation in the area of application. The inflammations caused in some people are so severe that they might have to discontinue the medication and switch to other treatment scheme. Chemotherapy can also cause nausea, vomiting and hair loss in the patients undergoing the treatment.
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