I have great news! You can prevent cancer. It's true!
Now, we know that genes have little effect. In many countries around the world today the parents are very healthy, but their adult children have developed many of the diseases epidemic in America. The difference is the parents eat healthy, the way their ancestors did, whereas their children have picked up Western eating habits which over time are causing their cancer and other diseases. It's a direct cause and effect relationship.
It is conclusive now that diet overides and trumps genetics when it comes to health and disease. In fact, many persons who have been diagnosed with cancer, even late stage IV and V cancer, who have changed their diet and started eating powerful, nutritious cancer fighting foods, have reversed their cancer and become cancer free.
Today scientific research has concluded overwhelmingly that there are three proven ways to prevent and even reverse cancer. The research has also concluded that these same steps prevent and reverse heart disease and diabetes and almost all diseases, as well. Nutritional research has hit the jackpot and discovered how to prevent cancer and these degenerative diseases that are killing us. Let's look closely at the three steps:
Now, we know that genes have little effect. In many countries around the world today the parents are very healthy, but their adult children have developed many of the diseases epidemic in America. The difference is the parents eat healthy, the way their ancestors did, whereas their children have picked up Western eating habits which over time are causing their cancer and other diseases. It's a direct cause and effect relationship.
It is conclusive now that diet overides and trumps genetics when it comes to health and disease. In fact, many persons who have been diagnosed with cancer, even late stage IV and V cancer, who have changed their diet and started eating powerful, nutritious cancer fighting foods, have reversed their cancer and become cancer free.
Today scientific research has concluded overwhelmingly that there are three proven ways to prevent and even reverse cancer. The research has also concluded that these same steps prevent and reverse heart disease and diabetes and almost all diseases, as well. Nutritional research has hit the jackpot and discovered how to prevent cancer and these degenerative diseases that are killing us. Let's look closely at the three steps:
1. The first step is we discover the foods our bodies were created and designed to eat, the ones that build powerful immunity to disease. If we eat those our body will become strong enough to stop disease before it can get a foothold. In our bodies we have a disease Immunity Bank Account.
There may be many foods we already eating that will build our immunity to disease. We eat more of those and add others that may even be more powerful immunity builders, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, grains, and nuts, that make regular deposits into our immunity bank account.
2. We also alter our eating patterns by eliminating as many cancer causing foods we can. These are the processed foods that have the nutrients and fiber striped away, like bleached flour and white rice, and foods that have high fat and cholesterol content, foods with animal protein like meat and dairy products, and foods that have high amounts of refined sugars and salts.
These foods cause incomplete metabolic function and create free-radical cells, they turn our blood chemistry acidic which nourish and grow cancer cells, and they limit our bodies natural ability to attack and destroy cancerous cells.
3. Now for maximum cancer prevention, we combiine steps one and two together, which generates an immune system turbo power boost. If each step by itself has the power of let's say a 10, when we combine them together they create a multiplier of 100 Our body knows we are serious about our health and it responds in kind.
It's equally true that eating the right foods, even eating as much as we want, will also trim us down to our ideal weight naturally.
These 3 steps have been proven overewhelmingly to be the foundation of great health, and to be the path to prevent and reverse cancer. Now we have the opportunity to learn what foods we need to eat to build our health, and which ones to stay away from. And we have the resources to help us prevent cancer.
Now, you can get involved and take control of your own health. But, while you are doing that, I invite you to to celebrate this great life-saving news by making this the first day of your 30 Day Challenge. Starting today, for 30 days start eating the foods your body needs to buile your health and prevent cancer, and start weaning yourself off the stuff that is killing you.
There may be many foods we already eating that will build our immunity to disease. We eat more of those and add others that may even be more powerful immunity builders, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, grains, and nuts, that make regular deposits into our immunity bank account.
2. We also alter our eating patterns by eliminating as many cancer causing foods we can. These are the processed foods that have the nutrients and fiber striped away, like bleached flour and white rice, and foods that have high fat and cholesterol content, foods with animal protein like meat and dairy products, and foods that have high amounts of refined sugars and salts.
These foods cause incomplete metabolic function and create free-radical cells, they turn our blood chemistry acidic which nourish and grow cancer cells, and they limit our bodies natural ability to attack and destroy cancerous cells.
3. Now for maximum cancer prevention, we combiine steps one and two together, which generates an immune system turbo power boost. If each step by itself has the power of let's say a 10, when we combine them together they create a multiplier of 100 Our body knows we are serious about our health and it responds in kind.
It's equally true that eating the right foods, even eating as much as we want, will also trim us down to our ideal weight naturally.
These 3 steps have been proven overewhelmingly to be the foundation of great health, and to be the path to prevent and reverse cancer. Now we have the opportunity to learn what foods we need to eat to build our health, and which ones to stay away from. And we have the resources to help us prevent cancer.
Now, you can get involved and take control of your own health. But, while you are doing that, I invite you to to celebrate this great life-saving news by making this the first day of your 30 Day Challenge. Starting today, for 30 days start eating the foods your body needs to buile your health and prevent cancer, and start weaning yourself off the stuff that is killing you.
These foods cause incomplete metabolic function and create free-radical cells, they turn our blood chemistry acidic which nourish and grow cancer cells, and they limit our bodies natural ability to attack and destroy cancerous cells.
3. Now for maximum cancer prevention, we combiine steps one and two together, which generates an immune system turbo power boost. If each step by itself has the power of let's say a 10, when we combine them together they create a multiplier of 100 Our body knows we are serious about our health and it responds in kind.
It's equally true that eating the right foods, even eating as much as we want, will also trim us down to our ideal weight naturally.
These 3 steps have been proven overewhelmingly to be the foundation of great health, and to be the path to prevent and reverse cancer. Now we have the opportunity to learn what foods we need to eat to build our health, and which ones to stay away from. And we have the resources to help us prevent cancer.
Now, you can get involved and take control of your own health. But, while you are doing that, I invite you to to celebrate this great life-saving news by making this the first day of your 30 Day Challenge. Starting today, for 30 days start eating the foods your body needs to buile your health and prevent cancer, and start weaning yourself off the stuff that is killing you.
And let me know what's improved in your life - you have more energy, sleep better, blood pressure dropping, food tastes better, eating less, cholesterol way down, no pain, losing excess weight, disease symptoms gone . Please email me.
About the Author:
3. Now for maximum cancer prevention, we combiine steps one and two together, which generates an immune system turbo power boost. If each step by itself has the power of let's say a 10, when we combine them together they create a multiplier of 100 Our body knows we are serious about our health and it responds in kind.
It's equally true that eating the right foods, even eating as much as we want, will also trim us down to our ideal weight naturally.
These 3 steps have been proven overewhelmingly to be the foundation of great health, and to be the path to prevent and reverse cancer. Now we have the opportunity to learn what foods we need to eat to build our health, and which ones to stay away from. And we have the resources to help us prevent cancer.
Now, you can get involved and take control of your own health. But, while you are doing that, I invite you to to celebrate this great life-saving news by making this the first day of your 30 Day Challenge. Starting today, for 30 days start eating the foods your body needs to buile your health and prevent cancer, and start weaning yourself off the stuff that is killing you.
And let me know what's improved in your life - you have more energy, sleep better, blood pressure dropping, food tastes better, eating less, cholesterol way down, no pain, losing excess weight, disease symptoms gone . Please email me.
About the Author:
Learn more about l;Preventing Cancer. Stop by Terry Kent's site where you can find out all about Reversing Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes.